PAOK is what Panathinaikos is thinking about right now. The team is getting ready for Basket League OPAP semifinals. The only absentee for the Greens was the one of Stephane Lasme, who felt a pain on the leg and it was decided it was better for him to get some rest.
Panathinaikos and PAOK have met 25 times in the past during play offs. Panathinaikos counts 18 victories.
The series
We need to remind that the first two games will be played at OAKA (13/5, 21/30 and 15/5, 19.30). Both games will be live on TV (NERIT). The next two games will be played at Pylaia (19/5, 20.00 and 21/5, 18.00) and will be live on TV (NovaSports). The fifth game is scheduled to be played at OAKA (23/5, 19.30) on NERIT. In order to reach the finals one team needs three victories.