Panathinaikos BC AKTOR announces Fragiskos Alvertis as the Club’s European Ambassador.

Panathinaikos BC AKTOR announces that Fragiskos Alvertis returns “home” as the Club’s European Ambassador.

The iconic leader of Panathinaikos BC played 19 straight years wearing the green shirt, celebrated 25 titles, and even after the end of his great sport’s career, continued working for the same team in various positions.

Specifically, he held the position of General Manager, Team Manager and Academy Manager.

«Everybody is aware of the connection I have with the team. Needless to say, I’m glad to be back, even though I never felt that I left». Referring to Mr. Dimitris Giannakopoulos and their meeting they had in order for him to return to the team, he highlighted: «I never needed more than one minute with him...»

Fragiskos Alvertis will meet again with people he collaborated with for a lot of years and that’s of a great importance for him. «It’s essential for me working with people I already know, like Sani Bečirovič, Dimitris Kontos, Savvas Aronis and many more, with the exception -unfortunately- of the great loss of our beloved Paris»

Finally, in regard to Panathinaikos BC AKTOR return to the top level, he claimed: «Coach Ataman, his stuff, all athletes and the management of the team have done an excellent job. The result is obvious. It is a good opportunity to start from the point we stopped».